Q: What's different in the new edition of Deviant Desires?

The book has been massively edited. There's a completly new introduction and conclusion, two brand spanking new chapters (Suburbs of the Foot Fetish and Cannibal Play) as well as new interviews in all of the old chapters and new one-page reports on niche kinks such as sneezes, clowns, vore, human furnutire etc. At least half of the images are completely new and most are in full color.

Q: Where can I get the book?

Deviant Desires: A Tour of the Erotic Edge will be distributed through Penguin/Random House to bookstores. Individuals can order the books through their local bookseller, through Amazon, or directly from me HERE (in which case I will happily personalize it for you!

Q: Where can I get a copy of the Kinkmap?

The 2006 version of the Kinkmap is available as a file for purchase/download here. Have it made into a poster! I did! I am working on an interactive version of the kinkmap which I hope to be able to present live by December 26, the book's publication date.

Q: What is the Kinkmap?

The kinkmap is an attempt to show the ways in which even the most obscure kink fits into a known set of major narrative structures such as Power Play, Peril, Transformation, Taboo and Metaphors of Arousal and Orgasm. No matter how weird you think your kink is, it "makes sense" if you can find a place for it on the map.